
Meatless Mondays: How One Small Change Can Make a Big Impact

Meatless Mondays is a fantastic campaign that encourages people to skip meat for at least one day every week. This campaign was initiated during World War I to save food resources, and now it's gaining popularity as a way to promote sustainability, health, and animal welfare. So why are Meatless Mondays so amazing? Firstly, they're …

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Slay the Holidays with a Solid Plan

It's already the first week of November. I know, right?! That means the holidays are right around the corner, and it might leave you a bit overwhelmed with the tsunami of what's ahead. There are so many events, parties, and obligations starting to fill the calendar and that means added stressors and responsibilities that can …

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Are You Plant-Curious?

Whether you are interested in going 100% plant-based or simply want to eliminate the amount of meat you consume, the trickiest part is figuring out how to feed you and your family. So, back in the day, I created a Plant-Based Resource page and I've been adding to it throughout the years. It includes websites …

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Common Roadblocks to Your Fitness Goals (and How to Overcome Them)

Maintaining our health and fitness is crucial to our overall well-being. However, it is common to occasionally slip up and hinder progress towards a healthier lifestyle. Let's explore some common ways in which this can happen. Firstly, not getting enough sleep can negatively impact our mood, energy levels, and ability to make healthy daily choices. …

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Welcome to Walktober!

Welcome to the Walktober Challenge! Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to take a daily 10-15 minute walk in the month of October. That's it. No steps to count and no special equipment. Just take a walk, preferably after dinner (more on this later*). Click here to download a tracking guide! Here's …

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Up Next: A 10K Training Plan

But first, a recap. I successfully completed my 5K training plan on Sunday, May 28th, with, you guessed it! A 5K. I hadn't actually signed up for a race, so I dragged my Bottlerock-weary body out of bed and drove out to Novato to run along a very underutilized and unpopulated path. I did my …

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