About Me

Welcome to Marin BreakfastKlub Runners!  If you landed here you’re probably looking for tips, tricks and strategies to live a healthy, fit, and active life.  I’m happy to share all that I know and help you reach your goals.

I am an ACE-certified personal trainer and since 2001 I’ve completed 12 marathons, most recently the TCS New York City Marathon in 2019.   I also run a fitness company that offers outdoor boot-camp classes, virtual classes and personal training.  I also train athletes for short and long-distance endurance events.

I think it’s important for women to be physically strong and I love to see my friends able to master a military push-up or to shave 10 seconds off their per mile pace!  I’m inspired by someone making a positive change in their life and I want to be a part of it.

I hope those of you who visit my website will feel inspired and motivated.  I offer simple tips that the average person can implement in their daily life and I really try not to take myself too seriously.

On the personal side I’ve been married to Brad since 1994 and we have two amazing kids (who aren’t really “kids” anymore) as well as two cats.

Now go run!

Keli 🙂

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Julie Escover

    Hi, Keli,

    Your mother-in-law forwarded your blog to me as she thought I might enjoy it. I live at Trilogy and started walking daily last Februrary and making smarter choices on the food that I put into my body. As a result I lost 50 lbs! My goal was 30 so I am extremely pleased. I am approaching my 68th birthday so probably will never run like you do, but I intend to keep up my daily walking and exercise routine.

    I wish I had been smart about my health at your age! Keep on running!


    1. honsberger4

      Hi Julie! Thanks for reading and most importantly, CONGRATULATIONS on your achievement! While I get my exercise by running, the more important message is to get moving, keep moving and take it one step at a time.

      All the best and again, great job on making such positive changes!
      Keli 🙂


  2. Kim Mihelich

    Dear Keli–I stumbled upon your blog on Active.com when I read an article you replied to. I’m inspired by your story. I will be 40 in 2 weeks!!! I started running last fall when my boys–ages 7, 9, 11 began school all day. I ran my first 5 K in December and May 8th I’m running my first 1/2 marathon! I’m a little nervous. I generally run about 3 times a week. I’ve been running 5-6 miles twice a week and then doing a long run on one day–recently I’ve achieved 13 miles. I am not in it to make any speed records, I’m happy to finish. I’ve never done anything like this before–basically I have neglected myself for nearly 10 yrs to care for children, work, and twist myself into a pretzel taking care of everyone else’s needs before my own. I would slink babies on my back and 2 in a double stroller and go walk–and attempt any way I could to stay active and excercise–but this is the 1st time I’ve paid a fee and signed up for a competitive race and had a specific goal that required me to train!!! When weather was bad here in NH I would supplement any runs I could with “The Firm” and weight work outs. Thursday will be my last “long run” before my race. Thanks for your inspiring and encouraging words and best of luck to you. I also like to write and have a blog–berlyspage.blogspot.com–Happy Running! Kim


    1. Keli Honsberger

      Hi Kim,

      Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I’m totally inspired by your determination to get fit and take care of YOU. Good luck on your upcoming race! I’m going to check out your blog and hopefully we can motivate each other!

      Now go run!
      Keli 🙂


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